版权信息 - Copyright

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Third-party Resources

Most of third-party pictures, icons, videos and other multi-media files listed in my blog would be attached with corresponding attribute information with source link. If the attribute is not listed, then it is most likely that the source provider allows the free and commercial use without attributes (like the logo in the header and the title picture of some articles).

Similarly, for all the third-party academic papers, articles and referencing data, all the citations and references would be clearly listed in the post as requested.

If you have any further question or concern about the copyright of any material, please leave your message in the comment section of the specific post. I will reply to you at my earliest convenience.


Notice of Re-distribution

I hope my ideas and inspiration can be shared to everyone of you who came to visit my blog, therefore I absolutely support any third-party to reprint and re-distribute the article for non-commercial purposes as far as following the copyright licence.

本网站遵循 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际 (CC BY-NC 4.0) 许可协议
This website follows Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence

所有转载必须清楚地标明出处和原文链接(例如:转载自“梓哥的味噌铺”: [此处放置原文链接])
Attribute must be clearly attached to all the re-distributed materials (e.g: Referenced to “Kevin Wang’s Blog”: [Link to the original article])

详情请至Creative Commons了解更多
Visit Creative Commons for more details

If you want to share the information about the platform of re-distribution, or if you have any further question or concern, please leave your message in the comment section of the designated post. I will reply to you at my earliest convenience.

Please observe the regulations and laws about the copyright in your area. Accountability and responsibility would be investigated and affixed onto any illegal action. Thank you for your cooperation.

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